About Jeanne
Jeanne, a Chinese journalist based in France, is renowned for her expertise in international wine and spirits. Inspired by Burgundy's legendary viticulture, she moved to France in 2011, driven by a passion to delve into the stories behind each wine. With a career beginning at the University of Burgundy and progressing through roles as a wine merchant, winemaker, sommelier, wine & spirits judge and eventually a wine critic, Jeanne has accumulated 13 years of diverse experience in the wine industry. She holds Master's degrees in Wine & Spirits International Business (CIVS) and Journalism, contributing to her authoritative voice in publications such as Revue du Vin de France and Le Figaro. Now a freelance journalist and consultant, Jeanne has spent eight years in Paris, immersing herself in the city's wine culture and sharing her unique perspectives and unforgettable experiences.
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