Teitur Torkelsson

Local Guide in Reykjavik
About Teitur

Iceland born, Teitur Torkelsson, is a lifelong adventurer, TV personality, peacekeeper, public relations specialist and traveller to more than sixty countries. Basically, anything that allows him to explore the outdoors is his passion. These days, he follows this passion in a guiding role and loves to share his experiences while on new adventures across Iceland with his guests. Growing up, Teitur was raised on farms in three different parts of Iceland and educated in Iceland, France, Japan, and the USA. He has worked in several countries around the world and is extremely knowledgeable about world affairs and the nature, economy, culture, and history of Iceland.
Teitur also holds degrees in Philosophy and Journalism from the University of Iceland and International Law and Security from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA. He is a level II Certified Glacier Guide, Wilderness First Responder, Sea Captain and Advanced Scuba Diver and is currently working on his private pilot’s licence.

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