Stefan started working as a beer sommelier, hobby chef, and cookbook author in 2013. In his function as a beer sommelier, he gives beer tutorials, writes for online craft beer shops, and helps local breweries and small manufacturers promote their beers. As a native Bavarian, he is highly knowledgeable about Bavarian history, culture and food, which is, of course, in many cases related to beer. Thanks to his varied work in the beer and beverages industry, he is always up to date when it comes to openings of new restaurants or food trends.
Before beginning this phase of his professional life, Stefan worked for more than eight years for the picture agency StockFood as a content manager and editor, with a focus on food, beverages, and interior design. Besides his many other projects, he now also writes for different travel guides like Spotted by Locals, Aux Villes Du Monde and Nectar & Pulse. His cookbook, published in March 2017, is called „Angemacht & Weichgekocht“ and is a guidebook for singles who want to impress their date with easy yet delicious dishes.